Contact us
On this page you will find our contact details and invoicing addresses.
Tikkurila Oyj
P.O.Box 53
FI-01301 Vantaa, Finland
Visiting address:
Heidehofintie 2
FI-01300 Vantaa, Finland
Tel: +358 20 191 2000
Business ID: 0197067-4
You can also send us a message by filling in this form: Click here
Invoicing adresses
- We hope you will send your invoices primarily as electronic invoices. Our invoicing address for e-invoices is:
Tikkurila Oyj
VAT number: FI01970674
EDI code: 003701970674
Operator: OpusCapita Solutions Oy
- If the first option is not available in your company, you can send your invoices as attachments by email to the following address:
The supported file formats for attached invoices are PDF and TIFF. One attachment file should include all the documents related to one invoice. You may add up to 10 attachments to an email (each 10 Mb maximum).
- In case you will send a paper invoice by conventional postal mail, our invoicing address is:
PPG Industries Czech Republic s.r.o.
For Tikkurila Oyj
Holandska 6/8
Brno, 639 00
Czech Republic
It is important to use this address both in the envelope and invoice.
Please note that it is not allowed to send any other material than invoices to any of these invoicing addresses.
For further information please contact Tikkurila Oyj’s accounts payable at (service in English) or your own contact person.