Patio Kivikuullote

Water-borne paving stain.

  • Non-slippery surface
  • Range of 10 traditional colours
  • Evens the colour of the yard stone
  • 805
  • 4 m²/l
  • 8 m²/l
  • 4 h
Colour collections
Product Data

Water-borne paving stain.

Product Features

Concrete garden stones and slabs. Not recommended for new garden stones or non-absorbing substrates like wash concrete or natural stone.

Recommended Uses

For industrially dyed and uncolored paving stones and slabs.

Technical Information

4-8 m²/l applied once on concrete stone or slab (depending on the absorbency of the substrate).



Application Method

spraying, brush, roller

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Non-slippery surface

The paving stones, treated with the well-absorbing Patio stone stain, retain their non-slippery surface. The stain can be applied using a brush, roller or knapsack spray. On large surfaces the knapsack sprayer is the most efficient tool for applying stain. Finalize the treatment with a roller or brush to ensure that the product is penetrated in the pores of the substrate. The stones will not be slippery, and they will retain their characteristic appearance.

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red stone

Range of 10 traditional colours

Choose a colour from among the ten Patio paving stain earthy colours, that most closely matches the colour of the stones to be treated. Unpainted concrete grey paving stones can be stained to a completely new colour.

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Evens the colour of the yard stone

With waterborne Patio paving stain you can easily and quickly renew the look of old concrete garden stones and slabs. Patio Kivikuullote evens out and deepens the colour of paving stones. The product is suitable for industrially dyed and uncoloured concrete stones and slabs.


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