Nature White
The newest generation, waterborne, stain resistant white latex paint. Contains plants ingredients. For decorative painting of walls and ceilings inside residential, office and public use buildings and in schools and health care premises (hospitals, schools, kinder-gardens, hospitals, clinics, offices, operating rooms, treatment rooms, laboratories, dialysis stations, etc.), workhouses and production plants and also food industry without direct food contact. Paint creates beautiful, matt, wash-resistant finish.

Contains plant ingredients
Extreme durability
8 m²/l
16 m²/l
2 h
0.5 h
Product Data
The newest generation, waterborne, stain resistant white latex paint. Contains plants ingredients. For decorative painting of walls and ceilings inside residential, office and public use buildings and in schools and health care premises (hospitals, schools, kinder-gardens, hospitals, clinics, offices, operating rooms, treatment rooms, laboratories, dialysis stations, etc.), workhouses and production plants and also food industry without direct food contact. Paint creates beautiful, matt, wash-resistant finish.
Product Features
CONTAINS PLANT INGREDIENTS 1. 30% of total organic carbon is replaced with biobased content (measured in accordance with ASTM D6866-18*), what means that 7% of total product content is biobased 2. This optimal percentage of bio-content for interior paints allows to keep high level painting properties and surface durability. EXTREME DURABILITY 1. A homogeneous and easy to paint 2. The final effect with uniform gloss WASH RESISTANT 1. Highest wet scrub resistance - class 1 (EN 13300) 2. Increased durability of the painted surface against stains and dirt such as: coffee, tea, oil, ketchup, mustard, currant juice** FRIENDLY FOR HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT 1. Highest quality confirmed with EU Ecolabel certificate. 2. Recommendation from Polish Society of Allergology (PTA)*** 3. Raw materials, that are used in paint production, are in accordance to European parliament decree REACH, which aim is to assure high level of health and environment protection. 4. Paint fulfills the VOC requirement in BREEAM International System 2016 for New Construction for exemplary level ****. 5. A+ class on account of low emission from the coat according to French norms. 6. Product fulfills the requirement of LEED v4LEED v4.1 for INTERIOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION „EQ Credit: Low Emitting Materials” both in range of content of volatile organic compound as well as in range of emission from the surface according to method accepted for investments realized outside USA. 7. Paint fulfills the emission requirements established by German Institute Building Technique (DIBt) and German Committee for health appraise of building materials (AgBB 2018), and also fulfill requirement found in Belgian royal decree establish the emission limits for buildings materials for interior use (2014). 8. We don’t add formaldehyde in production process. 9. Partly recycled packaging EASY APPLICATION 1. Non-dripping formula. 2. Very good adhesion to the surface. 3. Easy spread of paint. 4. Optimal drying time. *International standard method for measuring biobased carbon content %. **It is recommended to remove the stains not later than 15 minutes after getting the dirt on the paint surface. ***The recommendation of the Polish Society of Allergology applies to fully dried surface and well ventilated room. **** Acquaint Yourself with details in Producer Declaration concerning BREEAM International system.
Recommended Uses
Painting of gypsum boards, gypsum, cement-lime plasters, decorative painting of concrete substrates as well as for renovation of old coatings. Product may be used on small wood and metal surfaces, before application surface should be primed with suitable primer (Tikkurila Everal Aqua Primer, Tikkurila Rostex Super Akva).
Technical Information
8-16 m²/l. Actual coverage depends on such factors as absorption and surface texture, application method and colour. Exact consumption of the paint can be determined only in practise by test painting on the target surface.
Application Method
spraying, brush, roller
Contains plant ingredients
The newest generation white interior paint has partly been replaced with plant-based ingredients. For Nature White 30% of total organic carbon is replaced with bio-based content (measured in accordance with ASTM D6866-18), what means that 7% of total product content is bio-based. This optimal percentage of bio-content for interior paints allows to keep high level painting properties and surface durability.
Extreme durability
White matt paint for walls and ceiling is homogeneous and easy to paint. Waterborne latex acrylic-composite paint provides outstanding durability and stain resistance of the painted surface. The final effect is with uniform gloss.
Nature White creates beautiful matt and resilient interior finish that can be wiped clean time and time again. Paint has excellent wash and wet scrub resistance (class 1, PN-EN 13300) and therefore stands up for repeated washing.
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