Tunto Hieno
Full matt
Water-borne acrylate coating.

Beautiful 3D effect
Wide range of colours
Inspiring effects
1 m²/l
9 m²/l
5 h
1 h
Full matt
Colour collections
Product Data
Water-borne acrylate coating.
Product Features
For new or previously painted concrete, plaster, brick, wooden fiberboard, gypsum board or chipboard surfaces when a textured coating is desired. Tunto Hieno fine texture finish can also be applied to ceilings.
Recommended Uses
Walls and ceilings in dry interior spaces.
Technical Information
1-9m²/l Varies greatly depending on the painting method - Thick rolling 1-1.5m²/l - Thin rolling 4-5 m²/l - Brushing 2-2.5m²/l - Thick spatula 2-2.5m²/l - Thin spatula 7-9m²/l
Application Method
brush, roller, trowel

Beautiful 3D effect
Tunto Hieno textured finish offers infinite possibilities for creating both smooth and beautiful three-dimensional surfaces. The fascinating three-dimensional effect of a Tunto Hieno surface is created in application. You can shape the surface with a steel trowel, rubber spatula, notched trowel, brush or broom.

Wide range of colours
Tunto Hieno can be tinted in a wide range of Tikkurila interior colours. The Symphony Color System features a magnificent range of earthy colours from subtle to strong.

Inspiring effects
The surface of Tunto Hieno is attractively porous and full matt. This makes it ideal for imitating concrete, for example. You can create individualized effect surfaces and the feel of a finely plastered texture on interior walls. By combining application methods and colours, the possibilities of a Tunto Hieno surface are endless.