5 + 1 tips that will make choosing terrace colour easier

Earthy brown, modern black or light and fresh – these are just some of the considerations when choosing the best colour for your wooden deck. This checklist can ease the decision making especially if you’re feeling unsure.
1. What is the current colour?
The starting point for finding the right colour is to check the current colour of the deck. Valtti Plus Terrace Oil and Valtti Plus Wood Oil are both translucent oil, therefore the original colour of the deck will affect the end result. Neutral and light colours, per se, can be changed into other colour more easily.
Testing is the only way to know for sure how the outcome will look. Try brushing the wood oil on an unnoticeable spot on the deck before making any final decisions.
2. Emphasize or hide?
Do you want to make the terrace the central point or rather something that blends in with the overall look? A rule of thumb is that everything light, bright and vivid will stand out, dark and muted tones will better merge in the scene. If you are feeling unsure, dark and muted tones are usually the safest choice.
3. What is the house like?
For many, it’s important that the terrace fits to the house exterior, also in terms of colour. If you’re looking for a harmonious pair of colours for the house and the terrace, it’s safe to choose a cold and bright shade next to another or combine warm, muted colours together. Also, your house plays a significant role in the decision-making process: a traditional wooden house painted in red might look nice and cosy with a warm brown terrace but a modern villa might flourish next to a black or grey deck.
A good tip is to walk 15 to 20 meters away from the house and try to imagine the outcome from that perspective. Often we look at the deck standing on top of it, but it probably looks completely different from a distance.
4. Take a look at the nature around
Scan the surrounding nature when looking for fresh ideas for your new terrace colour . Do you find shades you like from grass, rocks, moss, plants or tiles? Source inspiration from colours you like the most.
5. What else is on the terrace?
If you already have a set of a terrace table and chairs you like, why not choose a deck colour that matches them? It’s also good to think about what else will be on the terrace: planting boxes, rugs, cushions, a barbecue grill... The amount of decoration affects how much of the deck is visible and therefore how impactful the chosen colour is.
+ 1. Make it your own
There are no rules in mixing colours or limitations on how many shades you can use together – so you do you. Add accent colours in fences, plant boxes or stairs. Make it bohemian or scarp and simple. The key is to create an atmosphere you enjoy.
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