Unica Akva Maali
Not applicable
Acrylic paint.

For exterior & interior surfaces
Wide range of colours
Quick dry
7 m²/l
9 m²/l
24 h
0.5 h
Colour collections
Product Data
Acrylic paint.
Product Features
For interior and exterior painting of new and previously painted or lacquered wood surfaces and primed metal surfaces. Ideal for maintenance painting of industrially painted and lacquered surfaced and surfaces treated with translucent finish. Not recommended for powder-coated aluminium surfaces.
Recommended Uses
Window frames, doors, frames and garden furniture. Also suitable for wooden panel surfaces of glazed balconies.
Technical Information
Coverage: rough surface 7 m²/l Smooth and non absorbing surface 9 m²/l Maintanance treatment Maintanance painting shall be performed with 1–2 coats of Unica Akva.
Application Method
brush, spraying

For exterior & interior surfaces
Unica Akva Maali is suitable for painting doors and windows, as well as garden furniture and previously painted or primed metal surfaces. The acrylate paint withstands harsh conditions without cracking or yellowing. In addition to first paint applications, it is an excellent maintenance paint for industrially painted, lacquered or with translucent finish wooden doors and windows without priming. At the same time, you can paint both the interior and exterior surfaces with the same paint.

Wide range of colours
The semi-gloss paint can be tinted in a wide range of colours according to Tikkurila's interior and exterior colour cards.

Quick dry
Unica Akva Maali dries quickly, that makes the painting process easy. The quick-drying paint is touch-dry after 0.5 hours and the next coat can be applied after 16 hours. Drying time depends on relative humidity, temperature and wind.