Unica Akva Lakka

Special lacquer based on modified acrylate. Contains an UV protection agent and forms a water-repellent surface.

  • Strong UV protection
  • Wide range of colours
  • Repels dirt and water
  • 805
  • 8 m²/l
  • 12 m²/l
  • 24 h
  • 1 h


  • Semi-gloss

Colour collections
Product Data

Special lacquer based on modified acrylate. Contains an UV protection agent and forms a water-repellent surface.

Product Features

Interior and exterior lacquering of new and previously lacquered or stained wood surfaces. Ideal for maintenance painting of industrially lacquered and stained wood surfaces. Not recommended for dense and hard wood species like oak or teak.

Recommended Uses

Window frames, doors and frames. Also wooden panel surfaces of glazed balconies.

Technical Information

8-12 m²/l.



Application Method

spraying, brush

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Strong UV protection

Unica Akva Lakka lacquer contains an UV protection agent and forms a water-repellent surface to wooden doors and window frames, as well as to wooden surfaces of glazed balconies. The protective coating prevents UV rays and weather elements from getting into the wood. This acrylate lacquer withstands harsh conditions without cracking or yellowing.

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Wide range of colours

The semi-gloss lacquer can be tinted in a wide range of colours according to Tikkurila's semi-transparent wood finishes colour card and the interior wood stains and lacquers colour card.

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Repels dirt and water

The lacquer leaves hard and durable surfaces with good dirt and water repelling properties. Unica Akva Lakka protects wood from moisture, the lacquered wooden surface retains its good protective properties in heat and frost.


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