Akvilac WF 10

A one-component water-borne lacquer. Used together with Fontefire WF Clear provides the B-s1, d0 classification.

  • Chemical-resistant top lacquer for fire-retardant interior lacquer system
  • Good levelling properties on top of Fontefire WF Clear
  • Fast-drying and easy-to-use lacquer

A one-component water-borne lacquer. Used together with Fontefire WF Clear provides the B-s1, d0 classification.

Product Features

• Chemical-resistant top lacquer for fire-retardant interior lacquer system. Extends the usage area of fire-retardant lacquer by providing resistance to the most used household chemicals. • Levels evenly and smoothly on top of fire-retardant lacquer Fontefire WF Clear. Good levelling properties ensure the excellence of the final surface. • Fast-drying and easy-to-use lacquer. Dries fast and is therefore suitable for fast productions lines. As a one-component lacquer, it is very easy to use. • Can only be used in dry indoor areas. • The product fulfills the following fire resistance requirements: Reaction to fire. Ignitability of building products, class B-s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009 when topcoated with Fontefire WF Clear. • The M1 classification for low-emitting building materials has been granted by the Finnish Building Information Foundation RTS. • Listed in the database for building products that can be used in Nordic Swan Ecolabelled buildings.

Recommended Uses

• To be used on top of Fontefire WF Clear on interior wood surfaces in industrial application processes.

Chemical-resistant top lacquer for fire-retardant interior lacquer system

Akvilac WF 10 extends the usage area of fire-retardant lacquer by providing resistance to the most used household chemicals.

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Akvilac WF 10

Good levelling properties on top of Fontefire WF Clear

Akvilac WF 10 levels evenly and smoothly on top of fire-retardant lacquer Fontefire WF Clear. Good levelling properties ensure the excellence of the final surface.

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Good levelling properties on top of Fontefire WF Clear

Fast-drying and easy-to-use lacquer

Akvilac WF 10 dries fast and is therefore suitable for fast productions lines. As a one-component lacquer, it is very easy to use.

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Fast-drying and easy-to-use lacquer

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