How to achieve long-lasting protection for facades?

By using the right products for different types of surfaces, you can obtain long-lasting protection for facade surfaces.
With the right products chosen specifically according to the local climate conditions, materials can stay in excellent condition for a long time.
Longer intervals between painting results in less waste and fewer work stages. In addition to using the correct high-quality surface treatment materials, right working conditions and methods must be used.
Optimizing durability and sustainability
All Tikkurila products are developed to minimize the environmental impact of their manufacture and long-time use.
To optimize surface durability, Tikkurila uses a life cycle approach when developing new products and systems. Products are tested in real environmental conditions and during simulations of the anticipated wear to help understand where significant environmental impacts occur and to develop the product correspondingly.
Keys to durable surface
In general, there are a few key aspects to consider when aiming for a long-lasting protection of the façade surface.
Good preparation before painting
- Choose the right paint for the given substrate
- Properly prepare the surface – fill in all voids and fix cracks, remove loose substrate (such as chalking, flaking ones). Remove dirt, greasy stains and salt efflorescence. Remove algae, lichens and fungi using cleaning agents such as Biowash Cleaner or Tikkurila Homeenpoistotabletti according to the instructions for their use. Wash the facade with high-pressure water.
- Protect surfaces that will not be painted
Keep the painting process in line
- Keep the work in the line with the technical data sheets and recommendations of the producer of the products
- Use the appropriate primer for the given paint
- Use high-quality materials and tools – it helps you to reach a good result faster. High-quality tools will also last longer.
- Use the application in good weather conditions and if this is not possible, protect the fresh coat of paint from sun and rain
- Use painting systems from a single manufacturer – often paints are in the system with a compatible primer and other sublayers products. Those systems are tested together and they are compatible and stable over time. The systems are also tested for durability in both artificial and on the exterior exposure.
- Do not modify the products yourself
Maintain the surface quality
- To guarantee the protection and nice appearance of the substrate, examine the surface regularly and clean it if needed (this applies to external products).
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