Finnseco Tartuntalaasti
Not applicable
Polymer-modified premixed dry mortar with additives, containing an inhibitive pigment. Maximum grain size: 0.6 mm.

Universal dry mortar
Suitable for small patches and repairs
Product Data
Polymer-modified premixed dry mortar with additives, containing an inhibitive pigment. Maximum grain size: 0.6 mm.
Product Features
Primarily for corrosion protection for steel cleaned from rust, and adhesion mortar for concrete repair and casting mortars. Can also be used as such in small-scale concrete patching and leveling, as well as as an adhesion-enhancing additive in Finnseco KL+ Korjauslaasti and Finnseco Rappauskorjauslaasti (see work instructions in the product description for each product).
Recommended Uses
Residential, commercial, industrial and storage buildings and others.
Technical Information
1.5–2.0 kg/m² as grout. 0.1–0.2 kg/running meter for protecting reinforcement bars, depending on the thickness of the reinforcement. 1,9 kg/m²/mm as concrete repair and leveling mortar.
Universal dry mortar
The product is suitable for corrosion protection of rust-cleaned steels and as an adhesive mortar for concrete repair and casting mortars.

Suitable for small patches and repairs
Finnseco Tartuntalaasti can also be used for small patches (<15 mm) and leveling (1-3 mm).