Fontefloor PU Cem B



Application Conditions

The relative humidity of the concrete should not exceed 97%. Residual moisture content should be below 4 weight-%. The temperature of the ambient air, surface or coating should not fall below +15ºC during application or drying. Relative humidity of air should not exceed 80%.

Surface preparation

Always remove all grease, oil, and other impurities with Maalipesu detergent before grinding. Remove laitance or old peeling paint layers by power grinding, milling, or vacuum grit blasting. Choose the method best suited for the premises. Clean out pot holes removing all loose or brittle material. Open cracks with e.g. an abrasive tool. After mechanical pre-treatment remove all loose material and dust carefully with a vacuum cleaner. The substrate must have a tensile strength above 1.5 MPa. For application on cementitious leveling screed: check compatibility with the leveling screed manufacturer.


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