Solid EP-M
A water-borne two-component water-vapor-permeable epoxy paint.

Easy to use
5 m²/l
10 m²/l
16 h
6 h
Product Data
A water-borne two-component water-vapor-permeable epoxy paint.
Product Features
Solid EP-M is suitable for old and new concrete floors subjected to moderate stress e.g. in common spaces in apartment buildings and washingrooms. The product is also suitable for concrete floors previously treated with epoxy paint or coating. Only for professional use.
Recommended Uses
Concrete floors on common spaces in apartment buildings such as sport equipment storages and washingrooms.
Technical Information
Priming 5–7 m²/l Finishing 7–10 m²/l The practical coverage is dependent on the roughness and absorbency of the surface.
Colour collections
Solid EP-M is recommended for moderate mechanical and chemical stress in industrial, workshop, storage facilities, as well as hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry for coating of floors. Solid EP-M is suitable for moist concrete as well.
The product has M1 building material emission classification for indoor use, and emits extremely low levels of compounds into the environment.
Easy to use
Priming and painting can be done with the same product. Easy to apply by roller. Water is used for thinning and for cleaning of tools.