Temacoat MIO

A two-component resin modified epoxy paint containing micaceous iron oxide pigments.

  • Great adhesion
  • Great anticorrosive properties

A two-component resin modified epoxy paint containing micaceous iron oxide pigments.

Product Features

• Good adhesion to steel, zinc and aluminium surfaces. • Used as a primer or an intermediate coat on surfaces exposed to climatic, mechanical and chemical stress. • Containing also aluminium pigments.

Recommended Uses

• Recommended for building frameworks, tubular bridges, conveyors and other steelwork and equipment.

Great adhesion

Temacoat MIO is used as a primer or an intermediate coat in paint systems exposed to abrasion and chemical stress. The paint adheres extremely well to steel, zinc and aluminium surfaces making it a universal, all-round product for various applications such as bridges, building frameworks and other steelwork and equipment.

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Steel structures

Great anticorrosive properties

Due to its micaceous iron-oxide pigmentation and superior adhesion to steel surfaces, Temacoat MIO forms a very strong and durable film. Barrier effect reinforced with aluminium minimizes permeability. Temacoat MIO can be used as a primer or an intermediate coat in aggressive environments.

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Steel structures

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