Tunto Hieno

Water-borne acrylate coating.

Key FlagKey Fl
  • Full-matt finish and the feel of a genuine material
  • Unlimited application possibilities
  • Colors according to your preference
  • 805
  • 1 m²/l
  • 9 m²/l
  • 5 h
  • 1 h


  • Full matt


Water-borne acrylate coating.

Product Features

For new or previously painted concrete, plaster, brick, wooden fiberboard, gypsum board or chipboard surfaces when a textured coating is desired. Tunto Hieno fine texture finish can also be applied to ceilings.

Recommended Uses

Walls and ceilings in dry interior spaces.

Full-matt finish and the feel of a genuine material

The surface of Tunto Hieno is attractively porous and full matt.

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steel throwel application

Unlimited application possibilities

The three-dimensional effect of a Tunto surface is created in application. The surface can be shaped with a steel trowel, rubber spatula, notched trowel, brush, or broom, for example.

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shaped surface

Colors according to your preference

Tunto Hieno can be tinted to the colors in the Symphony color card.

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grey shade of tunto

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