Functional paints provide solutions to special challenges

In addition to their aesthetic properties, functional paints have a special functional property. They either improve the properties of the structure or protects the substrate in different ways. Typical challenges include condensation control, overheating of a roof and facilities requiring a high level of hygiene. Tikkurila's functional paints can effectively meet these challenges.
Functional paints are used to solve and prevent a specific problem, and the risk is usually known in advance. Not only do the products improve the durability of the structure, but they can also have a significant impact on energy use and environmental impact of the building, not to mention the maintenance costs. Functional properties can also contribute to a healthy and safe environment.
Tikkurila's functional paint development work is based on extensive research. The products are environmentally friendly and meet international quality requirements. The products are solutions with very low VOC levels.
In fact, very many paints have generalized functional properties, such as anti-mold agent for exterior wall paints and anti-slip properties for floor paints. However, the actual functional paints are products that meet more specific challenges. The designer must become familiar with the features and capabilities of the products to be able to select the right products for each case.
Preventing the growth of bacteria on painted surfaces
Tikkurila Argentum topcoat contains silver as an active ingredient, which together with good plant hygiene prevents the growth of the bacterial population on the paint surface. The test results show a high virus inactivating activity against the Bovine Coronavirus using the quantitative carrier test according to ISO 21702:201. The test was carried out by Eurovir Hygiene-Labor GmbH in January 2021.
Waterborne Argentum is suitable for concrete, plaster, filler, bricks and common building boards. It can be used for both first application and maintenance painting. The surfaces painted with Argentum are easy to clean and their wash resistance is very good, even with detergents and disinfectants used in hospitals.
Argentum has been used extensively in hospitals, for example on the surfaces of operating rooms. It is also well suited for premises in the food industry where a high level of hygiene is required. The product is approved for indirect food contact with PZH Hygienic Certificate. Argentum is also ideal in public areas where surfaces are often touched, for example in schools, kindergartens and subway.
In the New Children's Hospital in Helsinki a great number of surfaces are painted with Argentum.
Saving energy by reducing the need for cooling the air
In hot areas there is often a high need for cooling buildings. When air is taken in through the roof for air conditioning, it has to be cooled by up to tens of degrees. Tikkurila ClimateCooler paint provides a surface that effectively reflects solar radiation back into space. With the help of ClimateCooler, the warming effect of the sun on the surfaces and the air near them is significantly reduced.
ClimateCooler coatings reflect up to 80% of the sun’s infrared radiation compared with a black bitumen roof. The amount of reflection depends on the painting system, colour of the coating and the type of roof and roofing material.
When using ClimateCooler, the need for air cooling remains significantly lower, and thus less energy is used for cooling. The lower need for cooling implements the principles of environmentally friendly construction and thus the building also performs better in various environmental certifications.
Tikkurila ClimateCooler is a waterborne product family, and the topcoats are available in several colours typically used on roofs. ClimateCooler products are on offer in two families – Uni topcoats apply to hard roofing materials and Flex to soft roofings.
A typical use of ClimateCooler is a large felt or bitumen roof with air conditioning equipment. The paint can be used on old and untreated roofs, but it must always be applied to clean and dry surfaces. It is also suitable for industrial and marine climate.
Preventing condensation damages
For spaces where moisture condensation can become a problem GrafoTherm anti-condensation coating is the solution. Dripping water may damage structures and stored products. In animal shelters, condensation unnecessarily harms animals. Frozen condensed water on floor surfaces can also lead to dangerous situations.
The functionality of GrafoTherm is based on the porosity of the coating. Its composition breaks the surface tension of water and spreads moisture evenly all over the surface. It is also capable of accumulating moisture during the most humid phase of humidity cycle and releasing it back as conditions change. In this case, condensation does not cause harmful dripping water.
Heat insulation and noise damping are other important functions of GrafoTherm. By forming a relatively thick and highly porous layer, the coating slows down rapid changes in the surface temperature. The product is approved for painting the interior of ships in accordance with the MED (Marine Equipment Directive).
Waterborne GrafoTherm is suitable for steel roofing sheets and other metal structures, as well as concrete surfaces. It is typically used in warehouses and parking houses, ventilation ducts, production facilities and sport arenas, transport containers, animal sheds and other spaces with high risk of condensation.
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