What are ecolabels and why do they matter?

Ecolabels and classifications increase awareness regarding environmental and health impacts of paints. Learn what the ecolabels are and why your client might be interested of them.

Interior paints can be awarded with international ecolabels (the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, EU Ecolabel), national allergy & asthma labels and M1 or other classifications measuring compounds emitted into the air from building materials for interior use. Ecolabels and classifications increase awareness regarding environmental and health impacts of paints and their product characteristics as well as indicate proven safety characteristics.

Ecolabelled products meet preset requirements regarding their environmental impact throughout their life-cycle, from the extraction of raw material through to production, use, and disposal. Life cycle assessment is key to reducing the overall impact of products on the environment and the climate. Alongside environmental requirements, the criteria also include requirements regarding product properties that ensure quality and durability.

In addition to reducing impact to the environment and choosing safer products for your health, you should be interested in ecolabelled products because they matter to your customers. According to EU Ecolabel, four out of five European consumers would favour more environmentally friendly products, provided that they are properly certified by an independent organisation. By using products bearing the EU Ecolabel or Nordic Swan, you indicate that you are investing in high-performing, healthier and more environmentally friendly products that are safer for your customer.


EU Ecolabel

A product with EU Ecolabel is kinder to the environment and of high quality. Ecolabelled products meet preset requirements regarding their environmental impact throughout their life-cycle, from the extraction of raw material through to production, use, and disposal.

EU Ecolabel minimizes the use of hazardous substances, and by selecting products with the EU Ecolabel, you are also making an ecological choice.

In 1997, water-borne Joker was the first Finnish paint to receive the EU Ecolabel in Finland. In 1996, our Swedish paint brand Alcro was granted its first EU Ecolabel. The European Ecolabel Scheme was created in 1992.


Solvent-free, wash resistant matt paint which creates silky effect surface.

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The Nordic Swan Ecolabel

The Swan logo directs painters to select products that are kinder to the environment and fulfill strict environmental and quality requirements. The Nordic Ecolabel checks that products fulfil certain criteria using methods such as samples from independent laboratories, certificates and control visits. 

Allergy label

An allergy and asthma label is given to products that meet strict product-specific requirements and contain no fragrances or other generally irritating or sensitizing agents. The label helps customers select products that do not generally irritate or sensitize the skin or cause respiratory symptoms. The products awarded the label are required to include detailed formulas and product information le

The Swedish A&A aims at improving the daily life of sensitive consumers with asthma and allergy. Products with the "swallow"-logotype are recommended by A&A;

The product bearing the recommendation of the Polish Society of Allergology is a product studied for their allergological properties, safe to use and recommended by their specialists.


M1, M2 and M3 classes

Building materials for indoor use can be classified according to their emission levels. The Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate has classified building materials into three groups: M1, M2 and M3. M1 classified materials emit extremely low levels of compounds into a room, while materials belonging to the M3 class generate the highest amounts of emissions. 

Materials that have not been tested do not belong to any class. M1 certification is granted by the Finnish Building Information Foundation to products that have been examined by an accredited testing laboratory and have undergone an organoleptic assessment.


MED (Marine Equipment Directive) certified products are accepted for the interior painting on ships. The MED products meet the requirements of materials with low flame-spread characteristics.

Polish product label, which indicated low VOC levels of a product. 

The German Blue Angel is the oldest ecolabel in the world. Choosing products with Blue Angel certificates there are the following benefits to environment and health: particularly low in solvents and formaldehyde, preservatives limited to a minimum. 

French regulation regards a mandatory labelling of construction products installed indoors with their emission classes based on emission testing referring to the total of the VOC emissions and also to the evaluation of 10 single substances (in μg/m3).


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