How to paint an effect wall with Tunto Hieno effect paint

When it comes to giving public spaces that extra touch, effect paints will often do the trick. With Tikkurila's Tunto Hieno effect paint, you are able to create surfaces that stand out. From lively play areas to professional office settings, Tunto Hieno can bring an unique touch to any space.
Tunto hieno wall painting
Inspiring effects with Tunto Hieno

Tikkurila’s structural effect paint Tunto Hieno is fine-grained water-borne acrylate paint. It can be tinted to thousands of shades, offering endless possibilities for personalisation. Tunto Hieno textured finish offers infinite possibilities for creating both smooth and beautiful three-dimensional surfaces. The fascinating three-dimensional effect of a Tunto Hieno surface is created in application.


Levelling Tunto Hieno

Watch our step by step instruction video and learn how to paint an effect wall 

Tips for painting an effect wall with Tunto Hieno

•    Sanding is a critical step when the surface is uneven. An uneven surface can result in the first layer of paint being visible, leading to an undesirable end result.

•    It's important to apply the paint with crosswise moves. Common mistake is to make squares or straight lines. Paint irregular strokes instead.

•    When painting large areas or high walls / pillars, prepare to paint together with a partner. When there is large area to be painted, more painters are needed to avoid visible overlapping areas. 

•    Higher room temperature will shorten the paint application time.

•    For public areas like restaurants, extra protection with lacquer like Kiva 10 is highly recommended. Apply the lacquer in thin layer with a short pail lacquering roller in crosswise moves.


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